About The Center:
The Israeli Center for Political Training (ICPT) was established by Miss Michal Shir. The center began its operations in 2009 due to the need to modernize and professionalize the Israeli political system.
The reputation of the center has rapidly grown and its staff, contributors and guests lecturers now include Israel's top advisors in parliamentary affairs such as Mr. Oren Magnezy, a Harvard Kennedy School graduate and former advisor to former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Miss Sabina Blank a former economics advisor to the Office of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Amit Segal the Senior Parliamentary Correspondent for channel 2 News, Nadav Perry the Senior Parliamentary Correspondent for channel 10 News, and political campaign management, Miss Vanessa Seyman Professional Negotiator, Mr. Shai Ben Maor a former political and crises management advisor to Leader of the Opposition M.K Tzipi Livni and many more.
What we offer:
The Israeli Center for Political Training provides practical tools and custom made programs that reflect the current system and its needs.
Training and learning for parliamentary and government assistants
Framework of the political system.
Writing and passing Legislation
Working with parliamentary committees
Parliamentary budgets and relations with various government offices
Time management and speech writing
Developing and maintaining relationships with the public
Media and political public relations
Spokesman-ship, public relations, political strategy and tactics.
Working with journalists and correspondents.
Social media.
Marketing and interpersonal skills
Crises management
Briefings and press conferences
Political campaign strategy and management
Political campaign building
Identifying problems and providing solutions
Developing options and strategies
Negotiation skills
Policy implementation
Grants, donors and campaign financing
Governmental lobbing and policy
Influencing and negotiations workshops
Understanding relationships within the parliamentary system
Understanding the nature of political interests
Political causes and campaigns Networking and relationships between decision makers and the business community
Case studies
Organization and personal skills
Leadership skills
Project management
Time management
Interview skills and CV writing
Performance and efficiency
Civil service public relations
Visiting government institutions
The Israeli Center for Political Training creates opportunities to develop a governmental system that is custom designed to achieve the maximum benefit for its target audience, and to do so in a sustainable manner.
The Center's training programs lead to a higher level of professionalism and cooperation that contribute to a much more practical and efficient decision making processes.